Growing Churches


Planting and growing life-giving churches that reproduce churches across the nation

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We are fully committed to our shared task of making the gospel of Jesus Christ known in individual lives and communities.

We aim to facilitate the movement’s ever-increasing and effective planting of Elim churches across the nations.


Church planted in a garden bears fruit!
When Stacy and Phil Gibbs felt God nudge them to start a church they began in their garden! Four years on and in a new high-street location, Overboard Church has plans to reach the town
Coolings help turn up the heat at growing church!
Tim and Sara Cooling have a heart for revitalising churches. So when the chance to help renew Glossop Elim came up, they leapt at it. Chris Rolfe reports
Challenge for church as congregation grows
How do you grow in fruitfulness as a widespread church whose congregation is drawn from three communities? Letchworth Garden City Church’s Carl Johnston explains
Church e-merges to reach out to wider community
How do you successfully merge two churches? Trudi Smyth and Dan Bennett tell how they and their teams did just that to form Beacon Elim church
Hesitant because ministry runs in the family
Stepping into the call of God on your life may need a nudge, says Dan Hudson of Derby City Church
Trusting God through the twists and turns
Sam Foentjies and Alisha Whatnell’s journey as Ministers in Training took an unexpected path but they didn’t lose their focus on God’s call
Why we’re still serving after all these years
Over almost eight decades, Elim churches across the UK have been blessed to welcome stalwart servants Norman and Beryl Polden to their congregation. James Hastings caught up with them…
Navigating ministry together: One married couple's journey to God's calling
Ministry training is an exciting journey for anyone, but what’s it like when you do it as a couple? We asked recent ordinands Jacqui and Leigh Richmond for their views